A-To-Z Electronic Journal List A-TO-Z Electronic journal list provides access to the alphabetical lists of the electronic journals in our databases. It is possible to make a search according to a specific subject or a journal name.
ACS (American Chemical Society) It enables users to reach 48 journals about chemistry and related domains as full text. For journal list, the panel area or the -Journals A-Z- area on the top menu can be checked. The archive covering the period from 1879 to nowadays is accessible.
BMJ Journals Online Collection BMJ Journals database consists of 22 full text electronic journals related to health.
It consists of evidence-based medical information. It is an international and a consistently updated finding source about the effects of common clinical interventions. It includes a summary of the illnesses and information about the advantages and disadvantages of the preventing and curing responses of an illness.
CAB Direct provides bibliographic information for cab abstrakt databases which are accessible to our university by ULAKBİM, journals, serial publications, conference proceedings, books, theses, annual reports, patents and full-text information for some sources.
Clinical Key Elsevier's entire medical and surgical content consists of more than 1100 books, more than 620 most respected magazines and more than 9,000 surgical and medical intervention videos, and other guidelines such as practice guides, patient education brochures and the whole parts of MEDLINE. Elsevier Clinical Key is more than a clinic information search engine or a bed side device that provides you with single type information. This is the first intelligent search engine designed to understand how medical experts search for information and answers.
ULAKBİM, with its “DergiPark Project”, offers hosting and process management services in international standards for publishing national academic magazines in electronic environment. The DergiPark Project enables academic magazines to be managed in an electronic environment with a standard structure that allows a quality editorial process to be carried out through "Open Journal Systems (OJS)". The "Magazine Manager" account will be opened on the OJS system. Each journal manager will be responsible for managing and publishing his / her own journal.
The DynaMed database, a product of Ebsco company, has been opened to access by ULAKBİM. DynaMed, the "most up-to-date patient care source", is a database of evidence-based medicine.
The number of the covered collections: 16 collections (Anthropology and Sociology, Business and Economics, Computer and Information Technology, Education, Engineering and Technology, History and Political Science, Humanities, Language, Literature and Linguistics, Law, International Relations and Public Policy, Life Sciences) , Medicine, Nursing, Natural Sciences, Psychology, Religion, Philosophy)
* You need to be a member to download PDF.
User’s Guide:
It is a database that offers various full-text papers in the field of Science, Social Sciences and Medical sciences. It has various databases under it. These databases provide access to 12.224 full text electronic content.
Ebsco e-Book Academic Collection
There are 132,110 electronic books from publishers from MIT Press to Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press to Elsevier.
Educational Index Retrospective, provided by ULAKBİM to our university, is a program that provides more than 835,000 records many of which are peer-reviewed and which are on the fields of education, multicultural / ethnic education, language arts, religious education, computers in education, science and mathematics, government funds, librarianship, literature standards, pre-school education, school management, studies, continuing education, distance education, adult education, indexing more than 700 publications in detail. The information sought in the archival literature can be easily found with today's key words thanks to updated topics. In addition, the original titles have been preserved in terms of shedding light on old dates.
It has full-text access to 306 e-dailies in business, management, economics, marketing, accounting and finance, international trade, information management, quality, public administration, tourism and hospitality issues. The beginning year of the full text of some of the magazines goes back to 1994.
Hiperkitap (It is a Turkish E-Book database.)
There are more than 11,800 e-books in the database under the topic of 28 titles. It contains the books of 220 publishers on issues such as librarianship, mathematics, media, engineering, music, politics, psychology, travel, education, economics, finance, physics, fine arts, law, communication, statistics, business, chemistry, cultural studies, astronomy, sociology, sport, agriculture, history, medicine, tourism, international relations, space and management sciences.
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
INIS (International Nuclear Information System) database within the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency); which serves the use of nuclear science and technology for peaceful purposes, has the largest literature on nuclear field in the world. This system is currently being implemented by 146 member countries.It is possible to reach non-conventional scientific reports, theses, brochures, patents etc. that are difficult to find from commercial channels and over 700,000 full-text collections. When querying to see PDFs, clicking on + next to the rows in the list of results, the identity of the article comes up. In the credential section, when the line written -Available http::/www.... on the "Source" section is clicked, it brings PDFs.
More than 120 journals of the IEEE and the IEE, 1,200 million documents which go back to 1950, consisting of 900 standards and a declaration of 400 years of conference, more than 12,000 documents in Proceeding of the IEEE from 1963 to 1987 and the first journal published in 1913 are added to all issues beginning with Proceeding of the Institute of Radio Engineers.
Isı Web Of Knowledge (Citation Database)
Web of Science, a product of ISI, is a bibliographic database that allows citation indexes to be scanned via a Web browser. In the Web of Science database, specific articles can be searched for by the subject, author name, journal name, or address. It is also possible to reach the authors who have cited a particular article and the other articles which are cited in a particular article.
İdealOnline (Turkish periodical database)
The Idealonline Electronic Database, which is mainly composed of Turkish sources, has a very large and rich collection in the fields of social and physical sciences. Idealonline Periodical Electronic Database has 192 journals and over 10,000 articles.
It is necessary for academic members who want to use the İThenticate program which is opened to the university by ULAKBİM to send the information including the name, surname, title and institutional e-mail addresses to e-mail address.
The system will automatically send a password and username to the e-mail addresses of the academic members who have been identified in the system.
It contains Science, Social Sciences and Humanities domains. It contains 1,666 fictional magazines published internationally. Full text is available for all issues from the first issue of the magazine to the present day (except the last 2-5 years).
Kazancı Mevzuat ve İçtihat Bilgi Bankası
It is a database that provides information on all legislation and case law, including laws, statutes, regulations, circulars, communiqués, official newspapers, etc. the search can be made using parameters such as the number of the desired information to be searched, the official newspaper number and date, subject titles, or key words. No password is required since it has Ip access to our university.
It is a web-based database providing criticism, citation and bibliographic information on publications related to mathematics from 1950 to the present day. It was created by the American Mathematical Society. This database consists of two parts.
Mathematical Reviews: Access to full texts of mathematical critics is provided.
Current Mathematical Publications: It is a topic index related to bibliographic data about current mathematical publications that have not yet been published or will be published very soon. The publications listed here then fall into math criticism. Mathematics publications are updated on a daily basis, and reviews are updated on a monthly basis. There are links to on-line magazine articles, electronic magazine's own web pages, and American Mathematical Society's book sales center in order to get original works.
Mendeley (Reference management tool)
It is a reference management tool and academic social network that allows you to organize your Mendeley researches, collaborate with other researchers working on the same field, and discover new researches.
It is a database in which the contents of the Official Newspaper are prepared by the Prime Ministry. It is prepared by indexing in various topics.
It is a database that has 346 e-magazines including Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, which includes Medicine, Nursing, Health and other related disciplines. Full text access is provided from the database.
Proquest Dissertations And Theses Global
The world's most comprehensive thesis database, PQDT, contains 1.5 million full texts from 1743 to present day, and more than 3 million doctoral and master thesis in total.
More than 700 leading international universities and research institutes publish their theses on PQDT. Every year, an average of 15,000 dissertations is added. It is used in over 3,000 libraries in the world and over 60 libraries in Turkey.
PsycARTİCLES (APA) (It's only open to the IPs of the Psychology department.)
This database, published by the American Psychological Association (APA), provides 102 full text access to psychology and related fields. Since only the psychology department's IPs are defined according to the subscription contract, this database is only open to the use of Psychology department.
It is a database providing full text access to 2,242 journals about Science and Technology, Social Sciences, Technology and Medical Sciences. The database does not require a username and password because it allows IP controlled access. When you enter "Search" at access address, it brings up simple or detailed scanning fields. Here you can write the desired keyword or parameters and get abstract or fulltext source. There is also an opportunity to see the magazines alphabetically in the "Browse" area.
Scopus (Citation Database)
SciVerse Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database consisting of refereed publications. It serves to monitore, analyze and visualize a research with bibliometric tools.
It covers over 18,500 magazines of over 5,000 publishers from around the world in the field of arts and humanities as well as science, technology, medicine and social affairs. Scopus has 43 million records, including summaries 70% of which are published since 1996, as well as extensive, quality web pages and patent information.
There are 2,567 full-text journals in the SpringerLink Database, which is multi-disciplinary, including science, social sciences, technical sciences and medicine. There is an access to the magazines from 1997 to present day.
It provides full text access to a total of 1,754 electronic journals, including Social and Humanities, Science, Technology and Medicine. Access to the archives of the magazines is mostly up to 1997.
The Cochrane Library |
It is a web-based system used to prevent plagiarism and irregular quotes in student theses. The theses uploaded to the system are automatically compared to the resources in a very large data repository and a similarity report is generated by detecting citations, similarities and irregular resource usage. In Turnitin's data repository, in addition to academic databases, magazines and publications, there are over 200 million student homework and more than 17 billion web pages. Academic members who want to use Turnitin should make an application with their name, surname and corporate e-mail address to their institution management.
Turkey Citation Index
They are full text and summaries of current articles published in Turkey-based health sciences journals in recent years and which are stored in the Citation Index.
The national databases being established by ULAKBİM are on 5 different fields as; Health Sciences, Engineering and Basic Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Life Sciences and Law.
The articles are indexed by subject specialists through the terms selected from conceptual indexes (Thesaurus).
The Turkish scientific journals that constitute the content of the subject-based databases are determined according to the journal evaluation criteria consisting of the academic and editorial titles determined by the academic committee consultancy consisting of the relevant academicians. Journal articles are indexed by ULAKBIM Cahit Arf Information Center field specialists through the terms selected from conceptual indexes (Thesaurus).
It is a consultation-based database of clinical and related disciplines in which clinical information is based on evidence. It is constantly updated.
It is a database that provides full text access to 1.422 journals in Science, Social Sciences, Technology and Medical Sciences. Some journals offer archives up to 1996 and some journals up to 1997.
The database is one of the largest electronic libraries in the world where electronic books and electronic documents are available for academic research. It provides full text access to more than 2.800.000 academic research books and papers. In the content of the database; there are - Academic books, - Contemporary and rare works, - 8000 periodicals, - 23,000 audio books (with original voiceover) - publications in 100 languages.◦ All content is reached in the original language ◦ 85% is in English.◦ There are also books in Arabic (850) and Turkish-Ottoman (1000).◦ There are 160,000 German, 175,000 French, 10,000 Russian and 30,000 Spanish books.