Open Access Policy
Mersin University Open Science Policy
Mersin University Publications and Research Data Open Access Policy
1. Mersin University is open to contribute to the advancement of science and technology, adopting reproducible and reliable research outputs and practices; It is committed to the wide dissemination of information for the benefit of society and all external stakeholders.
2. Mersin University accepts "openness" as one of its guiding principles and besides this principle, it makes publications and data possible to enable new working models and new social relations, to enable cooperation, dissemination of knowledge, accessibility and re-usability of research outputs. is committed to developing tools and research processes that encourage open access and build the infrastructure necessary to support open science, by encouraging and supporting them.
3. Open science makes research more transparent, rigorous and efficient; Encourages innovation and public participation. Mersin University believes that all publicly funded research and research data should be made available to the public and all researchers around the world, free of charge.
Jurisdiction and Impact of the Policy
The policy applies to all researchers active at Mersin University. Where the research is financed by third parties, any agreement with parties regarding access rights, storage and retention takes precedence over this policy.
Rights, Responsibilities and Duties
Mersin University is responsible for:
1. Supporting and strengthening this transition through education, training and awareness-raising activities targeting researchers and all other personnel, as well as providing the necessary infrastructure and finance to realize the transition to Open Access / Open Science. Contributing to the acquisition of Open Science skills, an integral part of the vocational education and career development offered to researchers.
2. Ensuring mandatory use of unique identifiers (such as DOLs, ORCID or others).
3. Including, but not limited to, issues related to the development of Data Management Plans All related data in compliance with national and European Union laws appoint a Data Manager responsible for matters.
4. Providing and improving services for appropriate guidance to researchers, as well as long-term protection for the storage, encryption, storage, storage and distribution of data and other records.
5. To embed Open Science practices in improving research assessment and assessment criteria beyond providing open access to publications and data, such as participation in citizen science projects, open peer review experience, or use of open Educational Resources.
6. To monitor the content of the academic archive with the statistics provided by the system, to monitor policy compliance.
7.FAIR data principles of the institution's academic archive and other research infrastructures
(Findable = Available, Accessibe = Accessible, lnteroperable = Interoperable, Reusable = Reusable) and to ensure compliance with the certification requirements for the European Open Science Cloud specifications.
8. Having an Open License policy to publish content and data.
Researchers are responsible for:
1. To manage publications, data and training resources in accordance with the principles and conditions specified in this Policy.
2. In the absence of any agreement with priority third parties, and organizational activities related to the production, processing, storage, management and distribution of data. To comply with regulatory, corporate and other contractual legal obligations.
3. The principles governing data processing (current Policy and the powers of the funders) as appropriate) to be included in a Data Management Plan.
Open Access to Publications
1. Requests researchers to include in the academic archive a machine-readable electronic copy of the full text (published article or a peer-reviewed copy of the article prior to publication) as well as the relevant metadata before or after publication. Researchers are responsible for putting their publications in the academic archive on time. This also applies if the publications are published on open access (Golden Open Access).
2. When it comes to "Green Open Access", it requires that the full texts of all publications mentioned in the first article are accessible under a standard open license within a maximum of 6 months (or within 12 months for publications in social sciences and humanities). Monographs are required to be placed in the academic archive, but access remains closed until the publisher embargo ends.
3. To increase the visibility of "closed" posts, the post's metadata should be clearly accessible.
4. Mersin University Members can work with more than one author from more than one institution. they can store their studies in Mersin University Academic Archive. For studies with multiple authors conducted by more than one Mersin University Member, the source is stored by the lead author.
5. When Mersin University evaluates the publications of its members individually or institutionally, it only evaluates the publications whose metadata and full texts are placed in the academic archive in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions.
6. It encourages its members to protect copyright ownership and to license publishers only on the rights required for publishing. This is possible by using the broadcast contract as an attachment.
7. It encourages researchers to place publications written before the current policy goes into effect in the academic archive and to make these publications openly accessible as soon as possible.
Open Access to Research Data
1. Mersin University obliges researchers to put the research data required to verify the results presented in scientific publications in an archive in accordance with international standards.
2. Mersin University requires data and services to be handled openly and according to FAIR principles. The data should also be available whenever possible.
3. Mersin University Research Ecosystem complies with the principle of "as open as possible, as closed as necessary". If the data is not open for legal, privacy or other relevant (sensitive data or personal data) reasons, this should be explained clearly. It provides the metadata that enables the data to be found in any case.
4. Mersin University encourages the adoption of Open Science Cloud conditions for monitoring Open Science resources.
5. Mersin University offers researchers a suitable Data Management Plan for each research activity they are involved in.
6. Mersin University researchers define post-project usage rights by determining appropriate licenses.
7. Minimum archive time for Mersin University research data is a permanent 1O years after the designator has been assigned. In the event that these records are deleted or destroyed after the expiry of the required archive period or for legal and ethical reasons, all legal and ethical perspectives of such actions should be taken into account.
Open Science
To actively promote the understanding of Mersin University Open Science applications (beyond open access to publications and data). For example, it tracks participation in citizen science projects, the use of open peer review, the use of open educational resources, the release of data and content under open and standard open licenses, and their development.
1. Mersin University meets the approved quality standards and is linked to the European Open Science Cloud.
2. Mersin University ensures that the records are interoperable through the archives of international standards and the OpenAIRE Metadata Scheme.
Research Assessment and Measurement
1. Fund providers, in cooperation with other appropriate bodies, undertake to develop a research evaluation framework that promotes research quality and Open Science behavior and practice by following developments in Europe and the work of the European Open Science Policy Platform. It takes into account the effects on researchers of different disciplines and career stages.
2. Commits to the establishment of reward mechanisms for researchers using Open Science applications (eg sharing imprecise results through open platforms, using open software and other tools, participation in open collaborative projects (citizen science, etc.)
1.Mersin University Library / Information Center, in cooperation with departments and other appropriate institutions (such legal services, research support staff, Data Management Plan experts), to facilitate the adoption of open science and provide the necessary skills and expertise to researchers, librarians and other support staff coordinates the opening of the courses. Such training courses include the skills required for open data publishing, open data, data management, research data, and research ethics.
2. Education is offered to researchers at all career stages taking different disciplines into account, and included in the curriculum.
3. The appropriate content for these activities and synergies with these service funders and other stakeholders are investigated.
Validity of the Policy
This policy will be reviewed and updated by the Mersin University Senate every 2 years. Mersin University Rectorate, will be responsible for this policy and the implementation of any disputewill undertake the executive role of the solution and the changes that can be made in the policy.
The part of this policy that deals with research data would be piloted for two years from the effective date of the Open Science Policy
Mersin University Rectorate will lead the establishment of an Open Science Committee and undertake the leadership of this board.
Mersin University Open Science Committee consists of :
• Rector or the Vice Rector to be appointed
• Faculty Deans or Representatives
• Institute Directors
• Mersin University Head of Library and Documentation Department .
The Committee will be responsible for revising the policy whenever it deems necessary.
Suggestions and comments will be submitted to Mersin University Rectorate.
Open Peer Review : It is defined as a scientific review mechanism in which both the reviewer and the author are informed about each other's identities throughout the period of review and publication.
Open Science : Science, publications, research data, laboratory notes and other research processes are done in such a way that can be accessed free of charge, with conditions that allow the reuse, distribution and production of research, in a way that other researchers can work together and contribute.
Open Education Resources : According to the OECD they are "teaching and research materials that can be freely reused by others for educational purposes and use open licenses that allow for improvement."
Open Access: Scientific literature can be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned via the Internet without financial, legal and technical barriers, it can be linked to the full text, indexed, transferred to the software as data and used for any legal purpose.
• Golden Road Open Access: The work of researchers published in academic journals is accessible via the published journal and from the moment it is published.
• Green Road Open Access: One copy of the accepted version of the researches published in academic journals is open access in open archives.
Open Data: It is data that can be freely used and distributed by anyone without the need for any copyright, patent or other control mechanisms.
Academic studies: It refers to the Studies of Mersin University Member, all the work that is created as a result of the funds and creativity studies they receive.
Academic Archives and Title Archives : They are systems that collect, organize and archive publications, data and other intellectual products (theses, materials, study reports, etc.) produced from scientific research supported by public resources.
Research: It is defined as any kind of creative and systematic work with the aim of advancing knowledge.
Research Data: Data used to validate results presented in scientific publications (e.g. statistics, experiment results, measurements, observations, interview recordings, images, etc.) or other data used during a project and described in the Data Management Plan.
Researcher : It is defined as any member of Mersin University research staff of all levels, regardless of their level of employment, including employees and doctoral students.
European Open Science Cloud – EOSC: It is a targeted project the details of which were announced by The European Commission in April 2018, collecting the "embedded" data of 1.7 million researchers and 70 million science and technology experts in the European Union in academic journals and books and making this data available to everyone.
Storage : It is all of the actions that must be taken to ensure continuous access to digital materials when necessary.
FAIR Principles: An acronym for research data management or any of the initiatives related to the European Open Science Cloud. The data is Findable. It is based on the principles of being Accessible, lnteroperable, Reusable.
Mersin University Member: Mersin University Academicians, staff and students are named as "Mersin University Members".
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor 1D): It is an alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify scientists and academic authorities.
Copyright : It is all the material and moral rights that a person has legally on the products she produces with all kinds of intellectual efforts.
Convenient Archive: It is the archive that meets the quality standards such as FAIR Principles, OpenAIRE compatibility, CoreTrust Seal.
Metadata: The dataset that describes a source of information. In other words, it is the structured and descriptive information about the finding, identification, use and management of digital information and information sources.
Data Management Plan: It is a tool that shows how researchers can meet their responsibilities for research data quality, data sharing and data security.
Broadcasting: It is defined as peer-reviewed published or being published studies of researchers in the institution.